Sunday, August 12, 2012

Changed perspective

Next week I will be jetting off to Taiwan for the Taiwan International Quilt Exhibition 2012 and will see many great quilts that will change my perspective of art quilting in Asia. So to, this Horizon Challenge set my Hsin-Chen of Taiwan has made me look at my perspective of horizon. I began work with these cotton, printer ready sheets. My challenge to myself was to see how I would use this technology to portray my quilt vision.
A bit of this followed, sorry can't give it away here!
This commercial fabric, bought at the quilt store in Durango, Colorado  made it onto the back of the quilt, as it was appropriate for the image I'd chosen to work with.
A bit more rotary cutting and I was ready to bind my quilt. All will be revealed on August 26, so please stop by then.